File name: ports.cpp/ports.h


extern unsigned char cycle;
extern char mouse_bytes[3];
extern byte mouse_cycle;     //unsigned char
extern sbyte mouse_x;         //signed char
extern sbyte mouse_y;         //signed char


Effect: it does a delay of "segundos" seconds
Require: positive interger
void hacerRetardo(int segundos);

Effect: returna byte from the port "_port"
Require: a valid port
unsigned char in(unsigned short _port);

Effect: write the word  "_data" to the port "_port"
Require: a valid port
void outw(unsigned short _port, unsigned short _data);

Effect: write the byte  "_data" to the port "_port"
Require: a valid port
void out(unsigned short _port, unsigned char _data);

Effect: wait until the mouse is ready to send/recieve data
Require: an installed mouse
Credits: houbysoft,
void mouse_wait(unsigned char type);

Effect: send a command byte to the mouse
Require: an installed mouse
Credits: houbysoft,
void mouse_write(byte a_write);

Effect: turn on the mouse and its cpu interrupts, load the
         default mouse options
Require: an installed mouse
Credits: houbysoft,
void mouse_install();

Effect: reads the "mouse_bytes" array and translate the moves
         buttons: 1,2,3
         moves: u(up),l(left),r(right),d(down)
Require: an installed mouse, the mouse_bytes and cycle
char mouse_handler_char();

Effect: if the mouse buffer has an input return the output of
          the mouse_handler_char function
char mouse_read_char();

Effect: wait until the keyboard has a non empty buffer
Require: a keyboard installed
byte esperarClick();

Effect: if the keyboard buffer is not empty return a scancode
         but if not it returns a 0
Require: a keyboard installed
unsigned char leerTecla();

Effect: return a+b
extern "C" short sumar(short a,short b);