Main Flow
The kernel is composed of 6 modules: video, strings, sound, maths, ports and main.
The main function invokes to following tasks:
-initialize the video mode 640x480x16
-draw the rotatable logo
-draw the no rotatable logo
-print the screen messages
-read the password
-if the password is correct, then fill the screen with "babel"
-else restart the pc
Because we do not have threads to synchronize the rotation of the squares we need to do a pseudo synchronization.
The Bucle
while( continue ){
if( beginstage1 < clockangle < endstage1 ){
angle = anglestage1,
size = sizesquare1 * (anglestage1/endstage1)
anglestage1 += clockincrease;
if( beginstage2 < clockangle < endstage2 ){
angle = anglestage2,
size = sizesquare2 * (anglestage2/endstage2)
anglestage2 += clockincrease;
if( beginstage3 < clockangle < endstage3 ){
angle = anglestage3,
size = sizesquare3 * (anglestage3/endstage3)
anglestage3 += clockincrease;
continue = false;
clockangle += clockincrease;